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Convert range, sheet, file to value-only (replace all formula by value)

You can use Excel's Copy, and then 'Paste Special...' to get rid of formulas and links in a range, and convert it into a value-only range. DigDB allows you to do the same conversion with only 1 click.

You can also convert an entire worksheet, or several worksheets, or an entire workbook into value-only data easily. This will help you get a value-only file in a few clicks. But before you convert the file, you may want to save a copy of the original file.

Convert by Sheets

Convert by Range

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DigDB      Excel Add-ins      Add-in Tools for Excel Elites
Who else wants to do a 10-hour Excel analysis in 15 minutes?

Related keywords: Advanced excel tips, excel questions tools, Excel reporting applications, Excel add-ins add-in, Excel shareware, Excel plugin plug-ins plugins, Excel tricks question, Excel utility utilities, Excel add-on add-ons, Excel tip tips, Power excel technique, Excel manipluation, Excel guru, Excel trick, Excel toolkit, Excel app power user

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