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Fill Blank Cells in a Range

Excel's Fill function allows you to fill a range from top to bottom or left to right or vice versa, but it overwrites everything within the range. What if I only want to fill the blank cells? As the blanks are often scattered within a range, using Excel you will have to find and fill each blank blocks manually. DigDB allows you to do this easily. You have three ways to fill:

Fill blanks by base values in the range

  1. Select a range, invoke 'DigDB->Selected Area->Fill Blanks by->Base Value->...', you have 4 options, Down, Up, Left, Right,

    Fill Blank Cells in a Range

    Fill Down - in each blank block, copy each column's top neighboring cell's value to the blank cells below; in case there is no top neighboring cell, use 0.

    Fill Blank Cells in a Range

    Fill Up - in each blank block, copy each column's bottom neighboring cell's value to the blank cells above; in case there is no bottom neighboring cell, use 0.

    Fill Blank Cells in a Range

    Fill Right - in each blank block, copy each rows's left-most neighboring cell's value to the blank cells to the right; in case there is no left-most neighboring cell, use 0.

    Fill Blank Cells in a Range

    Fill Left - in each blank block, copy each row's right-most neighboring cell's value to the blank cells to the left; in case there is no right-most neighboring cell, use 0.

    Fill Blank Cells in a Range

Fill blanks by linear series (interpolate) - works on numbers, dates, time values

  1. Select a range, invoke 'DigDB->Selected Area->Fill Blanks by->Linear Series->...', you have 2 options, Top to Bottom, or Left to Right

    Fill Blank Cells in a Range

    Linear Series from Top to Bottom - in each column of each blank block, interpolate a linear series between the top and bottom non-blank neighboring cells; use 0 in case of missing a non-blank cell.

    Fill Blank Cells in a Range

    Linear Series from Left to Right - in each row of each blank block, interpolate a linear series between the left-most and the right-most non-blank neighboring cells; use 0 in case of missing a non-blank cell.

    Fill Blank Cells in a Range

Fill blanks by user-input values

  1. Select a range, invoke 'DigDB->Selected Area->Fill Blanks by->Values...'

    Fill Blank Cells in a Range

  2. Enter one or multiple values. Use 'Add >>' to add more values.

    Fill Blank Cells in a Range

  3. DigDB will rotate your inputs to fill out the blanks.

    Fill Blank Cells in a Range

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DigDB      Excel Add-ins      Add-in Tools for Excel Elites
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