Practice file - filter-demo.xls (16k)
Click 'Add Criteria' to add another criteria. Your criteria is now: black or roan in 'color', or have a star in 'body_mark'
You can click 'DigDB->Clear Filter' to get rid of the filter and the '+', '1', '2' signs to go back the simple list.
This is a series of 'and' conditions. Click 'Add Criteria' button to add more criteria.
This is more complex. The criteria is (A and B) or(C and D). This filter can be done in 2 steps.
This is opposite to the above. The criteria is (A or B) and(C or D). This filter can be done in 2 steps.
Use 'Complex Filter->Exclude...'. This filter can be done in 2 steps.
Suppose besides the original table 'horses', we have another table 'my horses', how to filter the 'horses' table so that all horses are 'my horses'? Or similiarly, how to exclude from the 'horses' table so that none are 'my horses'? You can set the criteria like this:
Go to 'horses' table, invoke 'Complex Filter->Filter' or 'Complex Filter->Exclude'
Click into the input box, then you can click the sheet tab 'MyHorses' to go to where 'my horses' table is.
In 'my horses' table, you can just click and drag to select the range of horse names directly. You can also use ctrl+select to select multiple areas. The selected range will show up as address in the input box.
Click 'OK' to filter.
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