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Split Column

  1. Split by Delimiter - Choose any delimitor, choose to split by the first or last appearance of the delimiter. The text is split into 2 parts: (1) the 'before'-delimitor part, (2) the 'remainder' part. For example:

      '1234H56 H09' split by LAST delimitor 'H' = '1234H56 ' + 'H09'
      '1234H56 H09' split by FIRST delimitor 'H' = '1234' + 'H56 H09'

  2. Split by Length - Choose the number of characters, choose to split by the first or last number of characters. The text is split into 2 parts: (1) the first or last x number of characters you want, (2) the remainder. For example:

      '1234H56 H09' split by LAST 3 characters = '1234H56 ' + 'H09'
      '1234H56 H09' split by FIRST 4 characters = '1234' + 'H56 H09'

Split Column by Delimiter

  1. Select a single cell in the column you want to split, then invoke 'DigDB->Column->Split->by Delimiter...'

    Split Column - by Delimiter or Length
    Practice file - split-column-demo.xls (16k)

    The column will be automatically selected. You can now select how to split.

    Split Column - by Delimiter or Length

  2. Suppose we want to separate out the 'Last Name' part, that is to set split by the Last Space. Note we can split by any text by typing the text into the input box.

    Split Column - by Delimiter or Length

  3. Click 'OK' to split. In result, the original column is unchanged; two new columns will be added: the first part consists the text before the delimitor (excluding the delimitor), the second part is simply the remainder (including the delimitor).

    Split Column - by Delimiter or Length

    In our case, the remainder have a preceding space in it. To get rid of the space, you can either use DigDB->Column->Trim to trim it. Our you can further split it by length, i.e., split the remainder column by first 1 character.

Split Column by Length

  1. Following the above example, after the split by delimitor, we have a 'Remainder' column with a preceding space in it. To get rid of the preceding space means to split the column by the first 1 character. Therefore, click a single cell in the column, invoke 'DigDB->Column->Split->by Length...'

    Split Column - by Delimiter or Length

  2. Set how to split:

    Split Column - by Delimiter or Length

  3. Split result. Each cell is broken into two parts - (1) the first or last x number of characters you want, (2) the remainder

    Split Column - by Delimiter or Length

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DigDB      Excel Add-ins      Add-in Tools for Excel Elites
Who else wants to do a 10-hour Excel analysis in 15 minutes?

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