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Transpose CrossTab (cross table) to List (flat table)

CrossTab (cross table) is a two-dimensional table with a horizontal header row and a vertical header row. We sometimes need to transpose it into a one-dimensional flat list table. Note that this is different from Excel's Copy and 'Paste Special...' with the 'transpose' option. Excel's Pasting with transpose do NOT convert a cross table into a list.
  1. Click a single cell in your table area. Invoke 'DigDB->Table->CrossTab to List...'. The table area will be automatically selected.

    Transpose CrossTab (cross table) to List
    Practice file - transpose-cross-table-demo.xls (16k)

  2. Click 'OK' to start the transpose

    Transpose CrossTab (cross table) to List

  3. Result table after transpose:

    Transpose CrossTab (cross table) to List

If there are more than two dimensions, for example, pivot table report sometimes has more dimensions, then the transpose will not work. Transpose can only work on the simple two dimension cross tables.

Some users asked for a reverse transpose, i.e., to transpose a list into a cross table. This is currently on our development list. We don't have this function yet.

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DigDB      Excel Add-ins      Add-in Tools for Excel Elites
Who else wants to do a 10-hour Excel analysis in 15 minutes?

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