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Do Access-like Query, Join, Aggregate, Sorting in Excel

You don't have to climb the mountain to learn Access. DigDB allows you to do pretty much everything without leaving Excel.

  1. Query by complex, nested criteria
    • DigDB Complex Filter solves this problem with an innovative easy-to-use UI.

  2. Joins

  3. Aggregate ( group by )
    • DigDB Roll-up does aggregation in the Access style but with an Excel-like easy-to-use UI.

  4. Complex Sort

Need more?

  • A complete list of DigDB's powerful features with demos are listed on our home page.
    Do Access-like Query, Join, Aggregate, Sorting in Excel

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DigDB      Excel Add-ins      Add-in Tools for Excel Elites
Who else wants to do a 10-hour Excel analysis in 15 minutes?

Related keywords: Advanced excel tips, excel questions tools, Excel reporting applications, Excel add-ins add-in, Excel shareware, Excel plugin plug-ins plugins, Excel tricks question, Excel utility utilities, Excel add-on add-ons, Excel tip tips, Power excel technique, Excel manipluation, Excel guru, Excel trick, Excel toolkit, Excel app power user

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